Tentang Sakit, Sebuah Keunikan, dan Secercah Perubahan

Memandang sakit dan keunikan dalam kacamata positif

Posted on June 2024

Cinta, Tanggung Jawab, dan Ikatan

Apa yang menjadikan seorang manusia hidup?

Posted on June 2024

Bayesian Neural Network

Neural network dengan keluaran fungsi kepadatan probabilitas

Posted on March 2024

Dugaan Bayes, DAG, dan Pemrograman Probabilistik

Studi Kasus Regresi Harga Rumah

Posted on February 2024

Sistem Kacau

Tidak semua sistem dapat terprediksi

Posted on January 2024

Recurrent Neural Network with PyTorch

Implemention of recurrent neural network to forecast company revenue using PyTorch

Posted on January 2024


Universitas dan Sains Sistem Kompleks

Sains sistem kompleks sebagai jawaban, tantangan, dan potensi universitas

Posted on December 2023

Differential Equation and Numerical Method

Towards Dynamical Systems Modeling

Posted on December 2023

The Little Prince’s Existensial Journey

Camus’s absurdism in the little prince

Posted on November 2023

Entropy and Independent Component Analysis

Blind source separation using complex system framework

Posted on November 2023

Motivation Letter

A sort of rationale of what I want to do with my life

Posted on October 2023

Probit and Logit Regression

The building block of artificial intelligence

Posted on September 2023

Bayesian Statistics

Update our belief based on the data

Posted on September 2023

Problem Solving Thinking

An Engineer Mindset

Posted on August 2023

On Reductionism

The Case of Epistemology in Modeling

Posted on August 2023

VCT 2023 Champions Analysis

Probability a team wins a map

Posted on August 2023

Maximum Likelihood Estimation

A powerfull parametric method

Posted on August 2023

Self Deception

Do you really want what you want?

Posted on July 2023

A Meaningful Life

Victor Frankl’s will to meaning

Posted on July 2023

Bessel’s Variance Correction

Why We Use n − 1 to Estimate Variance

Posted on July 2023

Jensen’s Inequality and The Biasedness of Standard Deviation

Be sceptical of your conclusion

Posted on July 2023

Valorant VCT 2022 Player’s Playstyle Analysis

Using T-SNE to learn the playstyle of professional players

Posted on January 2023

Video Games Sales Report Dashboard

A dashboard that report about video games sales using loooker studio

Posted on June 2023

Bayesian and Frequentist Paradigm

What is the difference between bayesian and frequentist?

Posted on January 2023

Story on Statistics

Dwell deeper to the principles of statistics

Posted on January 2023


E-mail Spam Classification using LSTM

Posted on October 2022

Fraud Detection using Random Forest

Posted on October 2022


EEG localization of hand grip movement using ICA-eLORETA

Undergraduate thesis

Posted on October 2020