I am grateful that on September 16 1998 I was born into this world. I am grateful that I am the fourth child of my parents. I am grateful that I spent my childhood life in Kebumen, a small city in Indonesia with a lot of beautiful landscapes, people, and cultures. I am grateful that I was given the opportunity to study engineering physics in Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), an educational institution with a lot of amazing people and ideas. I am grateful that I do analytics for living. I am grateful that I am able to experience life as Angga Bayu Prakhosha.

It took a while for me to found what I want to do with my life, and even then… I am not sure if I am going to keep this interest in the future. But for now, I have quite a number of interests. I like to understand the world. I do analytics for a living. I am learning complex system science and philosophy. I also like to enjoy this life. I like to play games. I like role playing games cause I like to be immersed in it. I like music. I listen to 6/8 Jpop songs. I like to spend my weekend in a quite place reading and writing.

If I have to define what I want to do in this life, let me borrow Frankl’s classification of meaning.

  1. I would like to live a simple life, creating new representations and seeing the world through these new representations
  2. I would like to experience the worlds and model or represent it using many representations
  3. I would like to fight nihilisim, whether in me or another person

Lastly, welcome to my public journal. This is a journal in which I keep my thoughts and projects. This is a public journal in which not every thoughts and projects of mine are kept here.